Carol’s quilting

by | Apr 7, 2023 | Uncategorized

I enjoy quilting.  One of my sewing machines is a 1909 Singer treadle.  The majority of quilt piecing is done on this machine.  Its quiet.  I don’t like doing the same thing twice, so every one is different.   It takes a long time to finish a quilt between the planning stage and the end result.  The first one I did was actually in the early 70s.  The faces quilt was the first one I entered at the Oregon State fair.    It did not survive washing because the general fabric shrunk and the faces did not, so they wrinkled badly.  Its a learning curve.

This is the one I did after the faces.  It was a learning curve on doing blocks and color schemes.

This is the next one I entered in the fair – during covid. .  I have fabric to do a similar one with wild animals instead of flowers.  The eagle panels are very nice.

This is my favorite – its is on my bed.  My idea of a sampler. It probably took a year to finish.   

Then I did a really fun one aimed at children. 


This one won a red ribbon in its class at the 2022 Oregon State fair. 


I liked that one so much I did a similar one.  I turned the color wheel and used different blocks.  Each tiny bit of fabric was specifically chosen for that location. 

The world map I did for Love, Inc. Albany.  I have another available. 

This one I did earlier this year.  Doing a whole cloth quilt in a little sewing machine was a mite difficult.  I’m currently working on a similar pink one.

My nephew, the fisherman, is getting this one for his birthday. 

Several more quilts are in the idea or process stage.  It helps satisfy my creativity urge.  Most of these are for sale.  Let me know if you are interested in any of them.



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